Sunday, August 19, 2007

Removing axles and t-shooting lights

Today I went back up to Tilton for a few hours to remove the axles from the the camper. Soon after posting on the AS forums last week, I realized that new axles were necessary for my future 8 hour road trip home to Pa. Removing the axles was a cake walk, however the lights were not quite as easy. It took me 20 minutes +/- to get the axles off and into the truck. I chased problems with the wiring and lights for near 3 hours. I believe that I have everything figured out at this point and next week I should be able to put the lights issue behind me.

One more fun thing. The guy who sold me the camper told me that he was going to have keys made for the access panels and doors. He failed to do so. I spent a good hour with a screwdriver and some dental tools picking the 3 locked compartments. Successful, yes, but tedious.

I also inspected the back corners of the camper to see if the rear end sag is too much for the trip. I noticed a tiny bit of rot from the outside, but from inside the rear compartment, the floor looks and feels solid.

I am excited to get back up there next weekend to finish up the lights and get rolling on the windows.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The project has begun

Today Sean and I went up to Tilton to begin working on the Airstream. We needed to jack and crib the trailer so that we could remove the tires, drums, brakes and backing plates from the axles. In order for me to be able to tow the camper...well...anywhere at all, it needs new or rebuilt running gear. Unfortunately, the axles may not be up to spec, so I may have to purchase new ones. I will find out all of these answer this upcoming week. After I finish the running
gear issue, then I attack the marking and directional lights. Hopefully this will all be done in the few weeks.

Here are some pictures of our Sunday adventure.

My tow vehicle ;) The Airstream and the Truck are beginning to get along...